Friday, January 13, 2006

...realize you are one of your students?

And not of of the good ones, one of the annoying ones. So, as I spent a class on Wednesday whispering on occasion to Laura and making notes on her notebook (although, 1st branch, 2nd branch, judicial branch is a high quality joke), I realized that I was doing exactly what i get most frustrated at my students for doing: talking and passing notes. I;m sure the teacher noticed too. You know why I'm sure? Because when my kids do it I always say, "I can't believe they think I don't notice that." So, to sum up, I'm a bad person. Also, you can't help but wonder if you're more entertaining to your students than your profs are to you. I think it might be best if we all didn't answer that. (unless you wanted to make a comment...which is always welcomed)

...start a business with a friend?

I think I'm going to. With Brian (the fairer). You see, one of his talents in life is creating expert-looking musical examples. One of mine is coming up with paper titles. What are people's 2 least favorite things to do? come up with titles and do examples. Therefore, we will be going into business. Anyone want to hire us??

...end up in the wrong place at the wrong time?

So, there I am at the bottom of the MLK hill at a stoplight, minding my own business when a dump truck slams into the car behind me who, in turn, runs into me. Well, I lucked out because the guy's car behind me was in really bad shape and I believe he broke his nose. After the police came and we all exchanged info I headed to my eye apt. where I was headed in the first place. More on that in a bit. Next, I head over to the hospital because I have some whiplash and it's always best to get these things checked out. 5 hours later I walk out of the hospital with my happy pills in hand. Back to the eye appointment...all of this crap and you know for what? "cover your left eye, can you read that? Cover your eye, can you read that? Have you been having any problems with your new contacts? Ok, thanks!" They could have done that on the phone! Bastards! In short, be nice to me this weekend, my neck and back are probably sore!

Monday, January 02, 2006

...have a hero?

I have many heros in my life I think. My mom for one. Bridgett has also been my hero on occasion. I now have a new hero. I'd like to tell you all why Jason is my hero. I know I promised this story weeks ago but I suppose that was my holiday cliff-hanger. Let me start at the beginning. I'm dumb. You may not know this about me. In fact, I would like to think I am just entering an entire community of Ph D students who are also dumb. This does not change the fact that I'm dumb. Why am I dumb? I'm glad you asked. No, it's not because of my unnesecarily drawn out blog prose style. I decided to park in a garage on my way to the airport three weeks ago. But Brian, wouldn't that cost you about $8 a day for three weeks? Yes my dear friends, it would. Here's where my hero comes in. Jason came to my apartment, picked up my keys from my apartment (after turning up my heat so my pipes didn't freeze), moved my car out of the lot and into a better lot. Basically he saved me about $180. This is why Jason is my hero.

I know what you're thinking and no, I do not have a boy crush on Jason. Although, I am only human.

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