...Leavin' Las Vegas
"Kate, are you alone?" Sean said quietly on his cell phone. There was no one around, but it seemed appropriate to whisper.
"We need to leave."
"Leave where?"
"Vegas, tonight. I'm pretty sure Jack killed Frank. And even if he didn't, someone he knows did. I'm all for making a quick buck, but I'm not ready to get killed for a few thousand dollars."
"So leave."
"You should come too. Once I leave, it might not be safe for you. Yeah, he has friends in Vegas, but not outside. I'm getting in my car and leaving as soon as I get packed up. If you want, meet me at the gas station near the airport at 7:45."
"I'll see."
Sean knew he had to leave but wasn't quite sure where he would go or what he would do when he got there, or if Kate would come, or if being on the run would be enough of a turn-on for Kate to sleep with him. Note to self: pick up condoms. Oh, and pretzels. (Not because of the sex, but it's nice to have pretzels on long road trips).
Sean, with his car packed and "disguised" in a low hat that read "What happens in Vegas..." and aviator sunglasses purchased from the hotel gift shop. Sean noticed the irony that unlike the saying on his hat, he would not be staying in Vegas. A dark haired brunette knocked on his car window and almost caused Sean to knock his own sunglasses off. It was Kate. She had dyed her hair. It looked good...wait, focus!
In fact, she looked so good that Sean barely noticed a silver Sebring convertable, top UP pull into the station behind him. At the wheel was Jack. Next to Jack was someone Sean had never met before. Since Sean didn't feel that this was a great time for new introductions, he knew he had to go, now.
His first instinct was to drive off quickly. Then, he thought it might be a better idea to run into the airport where they might lose him and buy a couple of plane tickets. If he did that, where would he fly? As he wasn't particularly pressed for time, he thought it would be best to wonder what his friends would suggest.
Time to Blog your own adventure! What should Sean and Kate do? Sorry for the hiatus but now we're back in business!